Erasmus+ Ka107 Internatıonal Credıt Mobılıty 2019-2020 Academıc Year Sprıng Semester Incomıng Student Mobılıty Applıcatıon

Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (KA107), a European Union Exchange Program, provides an opportunity for learning mobility with universities in countries outside the European Union. During the 2019-2020 academic year, Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (KA107) will be realized with 12 universities in 7 countries under the coordination of Istanbul Kültür University. 2019-2020 Spring Semester for student mobility, Bangladesh, El Salvador and Morocco applications have started.

Universities, Departments and Quotas

Professors From Kongju National University (South Korea) Visited Istanbul Kültür University

On November 14, 2019, professors from Kongju National University (South Korea) visited Istanbul Kültür University to see classrooms, libraries, student facilities and our campus in general. They were also shown the work of the Geotechnical Laboratory, our library, architecture studios, auditorium and other units.