Staff Training Mobility (STT): Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility program allows both academic and administrative staff to visit universities. This opportunity helps staff members enhance their skills and engage in professional exchanges with colleagues from around the world. Training Mobility is a program that includes the opportunity for staff to receive training and professional development at İstanbul Kultur University. This program enables staff from different countries to learn the best practices at İstanbul Kultur University and develop their institutional capacity. The Training Mobility program offers visiting staff the opportunity to receive training and gain experience in various units at İstanbul Kultur University. This program provides participants with the opportunity to get to know the functioning, institutional culture and management practices of İstanbul Kultur University closely. In addition, participants have the chance to develop their professional skills and expand their international cooperation networks, with a particular focus on their own areas of specialization.
Teaching Staff Mobility (STA): Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility program allows academic staff to teach at partner universities as part of bilateral agreements. It also facilitates non-mobile students to access international lectures. Erasmus teachers play a significant role in fostering new cooperation initiatives and building international academic networks. Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility program offers visiting lecturers the opportunity to teach in various undergraduate or graduate courses at İstanbul Kultur University. They are also provided with the opportunity to interact with students, organize seminars or workshops and develop academic collaborations. This program gives lecturers the chance to experience the academic environment of İstanbul Kultur University and interact with students. There is an obligation to deliver at least 8 hours of teaching (i.e. at least one day). A minimum duration of 2 working days is strongly recommended to provide a meaningful contribution to the teaching program and international academic life at the institution.
To apply for the Incoming Staff Mobility program or for more information, please contact our International Office. We will be happy to provide you with any kind of support and information. As İstanbul Kultur University International Office, we look forward to sharing our belief in international academic cooperation and cultural exchange. We will be happy to welcome you to İstanbul Kultur University and work together!