Within the scope of Erasmus+, Istanbul Kültür University has over 280 agreements with 124 Partner Universities in 26 countries in Europe.
In addition to European countries, scientific and cultural bilateral cooperation protocols have been made with renowned universities in 4 different continents of the world.
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
İktisat Bölümü | |||
SK BRATISL02 | Comenius University | jozef.tancer@uniba.sk | |
D ULM01 | Ulm University | erasmus@uni-ulm.de | |
İşletme Bölümü | |||
PL NYSA01 | State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa | bwm@pans.nysa.pl | |
D DEGGEND01 | Deggendorf Institute of Technology | nadine.kappl@th-deg.de | |
PL KWIDZYN01 | Powiśle University of Applied Sciences | internationaloffice@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl | |
F LYON71 | BBA INSEEC Lyon | international.bbainseec@inseec.com | |
D LORRACH01 | Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Loerrach | internationaloffice@dhbw-loerrach.de | |
D BREMEN04 | Hochschule Bremen - City University of Applied Sciences | international-office@hs-bremen.de | |
D ULM03 | University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm | incoming@hnu.de | |
PL BIALYST03 | Eastern European Academy of Applied Sciences in Białystok | foreign@wsfiz.edu.pl | |
I NAPOLI03 | University of Naples "Parthenope" | internazionale.lingue@uniparthenope.it | |
D BRANDEN01 | Technical University Brandenburg | heike.wolff@th-brandenburg.de | |
D NURNBER02 | Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm Technical University | incomings@th-nuernberg.de | |
D KARLSRU05 | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences | lea.scholz@h-ka.de | |
SK BRATISL02 | Comenius University | jozef.tancer@uniba.sk | |
HU BAJA01 | Eötvös József College | farago.krisztina@ejf.hu | |
D KARLSRU08 | Karlshochschule International University | international@karlshochschule.de | |
HU BUDAPES41 | International Business School Budapest | edombora@ibs-b.hu | |
CZ PRAHA18 | Metropolitan University Prague | martina.fantova@mup.cz | |
PL KONIN02 | State University of Applied Sciences in Konin | bozena.miastkowska@konin.edu.pl / | |
D FRIEDRI01 | Zeppelin University | angela.kurtz@zu.de | |
D FRANKFUR08 | European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | students-in@europa-uni.de | |
D ULM01 | Ulm University | erasmus@uni-ulm.de | |
I BOLOGNA01 | University of Bologna | erasmus@unibo.it | |
Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü | |||
E MADRID17 | ‘Alfonso X El Sabio’ University | inter@uax.es | |
SK BRATISL02 | Comenius University | jozef.tancer@uniba.sk | |
CZ PRAHA18 | Metropolitan University Prague | martina.fantova@mup.cz | |
S MALMO01 | Malmö University | lena.karlbrink@mau.se | |
PL TORUN01 | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun | mawi@umk.pl | |
PL LODZ01 | University of Lodz | eleonora.batorowicz@uni.lodz.pl | |
P BRAGANC01 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | wagner@ipb.pt | |
I TORINO01 | Universita Degli Studi Di Torino | internationalexchange@unito.it | |
HU BUDAPES54 | University of Public Service | international.exchange@uni-nke.hu | |
D MUNSTER 01 | Universität Münster | international.office@uni-muenster.de | |
F LILLE102 | Scineces Po Lille | international.students@sciencespo-lille.eu | |
Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman Bölümü | |||
D MANNHEI08 | DHBW Mannheim | luciana.winkelhausen@dhbw-mannheim.de |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
G THESSAL01 | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | lialiou@past.auth.gr | |
D BREMEN01 | University of Bremen | welcomecenter@uni-bremen.de | |
D MUNSTER 01 | Universität Münster | international.office@uni-muenster.de | |
MK GOSTIVA01 | International Vision University | erasmus@vizyon.edu.mk | |
D OSNABRU01 | Osnabrück University | laura.rohe@uos.de | |
D LEIPZIG01 | Leipzig University | incoming-exchange@zv.uni-leipzig.de | |
D BOCHUM01 | Shumen University "Ruhr-Universität Bochum" | v / |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
Matematik ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Bölümü | |||
RO ALBAIU01 | "December 1 1918" University | nicoleta.vomvea@uab.ro | |
RO CONSTAN02 | Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta | erasmus@univ-ovidius.ro / | |
RS VRSAC01 | Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vrsac | eugencinci@gmail.com / | |
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü | |||
G ATHINE01 | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | erasmus@uoa.gr | |
Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bölümü | |||
P COIMBRA01 | University of Coimbra | dri@uc.pt | |
I ROMA01 | Sapienza University of Rome | sabina.imbimbo@uniroma1.it | |
P BRAGANC01 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | wagner@ipb.pt | |
Fizik Bölümü | |||
P COIMBRA01 | University of Coimbra | dri@uc.pt | |
Psikoloji Bölümü | |||
D BERLIN05 | Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin | gropp@ash-berlin.eu | |
D LEIPZIG01 | Leipzig University | incoming-exchange@zv.uni-leipzig.de | |
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü | |||
BG SHOUMEN01 | Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin of Preslav | erasmus@shu.bg | |
HU BUDAPES01 | Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) | erasmus@elte.hu |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü | |||
PL KRAKOW03 | Cracow University of Technology | erasmus@pk.edu.pl | |
PL WROCLAW02 | Wrocław University of Science and Technology | julia.bohdziewicz@pwr.edu.pl | |
HR RIJEKA01 | University of Rijeka | andela.horvat@gradri.uniri.hr | |
E MADRID17 | ‘Alfonso X El Sabio’ University | inter@uax.es | |
HU BAJA01 | Eötvös József College | farago.krisztina@ejf.hu | |
PL WROCLAW02 | Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technology | julia.bohdziewicz@pwr.edu.pl | |
CZ OSTRAVA01 | Ostrava Technical University | mobility.fei@vsb.cz | |
D DORTMUN01 | TU Dortmund University | erasmus@tu-dortmund.de | |
BG SOFIA04 | University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy | gribneva_int@uacg.bg | |
P BRAGANC01 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | wagner@ipb.pt | |
Endüstri Mühendisliği | |||
PL NYSA01 | State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa | bwm@pans.nysa.pl | |
PL LODZ02 | Lodz University of Technology | sao@info.p.lodz.pl | |
A WIEN02 | Vienna University of Technology | exchangein@tuwien.ac.at | |
D DEGGEND01 | Deggendorf Institute of Technology | nadine.kappl@th-deg.de | |
D MANNHEI08 | DHBW Mannheim | international@dhbw-mannheim.de | |
D KARLSRU05 | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences | lea.scholz@h-ka.de | |
D FRANKFUR08 | European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | students-in@europa-uni.de | |
S JONKOPI01 | Jönköping University | Incoming.Student@ju.se | |
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü | |||
PL NYSA01 | State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa | bwm@pans.nysa.pl | |
A DORNBIR01 | Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) | katharina.devich@fhv.at | |
I MILANO01 | Universita degli Studi di Milano | mobility.in@unimi.it | |
CZ PARDUB01 | University of Pardubice | stepanka.kubu@upce.cz | |
PL KIELCE01 | Kielce University of Technology | erasmus@tu.kielce.pl | |
PL LODZ02 | Lodz University of Technology | sao@info.p.lodz.pl | |
D DEGGEND01 | Deggendorf Institute of Technology | nadine.kappl@th-deg.de | |
D BRANDEN01 | Technical University Brandenburg | heike.wolff@th-brandenburg.de | |
D NURNBER02 | Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm Technical University | incomings@th-nuernberg.de | |
D KARLSRU05 | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences | lea.scholz@h-ka.de | |
CZ OSTRAVA01 | Technical University of Ostrava | mobility.fei@vsb.cz | |
P BRAGANC01 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | wagner@ipb.pt | |
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü | |||
CZ PARDUB01 | University of Pardubice | stepanka.kubu@upce.cz | |
PL KIELCE01 | Kielce University of Technology | erasmus@tu.kielce.pl | |
D DEGGEND01 | Deggendorf Institute of Technology | nadine.kappl@th-deg.de | |
CZ OSTRAVA01 | Technical University of Ostrava | mobility.fei@vsb.cz | |
D KARLSRU05 | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences | lea.scholz@h-ka.de | |
P BRAGANC01 | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | wagner@ipb.pt |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
I FROSINO01 | Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone | umberto.dinino@abafr.it | |
D KARLSRU08 | Karlshochschule International University | international@karlshochschule.de | |
HU BUDAPES41 | International Business School Budapest | edombora@ibs-b.hu | |
CZ PRAHA18 | Metropolitan University Prague | martina.fantova@mup.cz | |
D LEMGO01 | Management University of East Westphalia-Lippe | internationaloffice@th-owl.de | |
I NAPOLI06 | Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli | patrizia.valerio@abana.it | |
PL WROCLAW14 | University of Lower Silesia | erasmus@dsw.edu.pl | |
E BARCELO85 | Easd Pau Gargallo | erasmus@paugargallo.cat | |
SK TRNAVA02 | University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava | simona.stefickova@ucm.sk | |
D FRIEDRI01 | Zeppelin University | angela.kurtz@zu.de |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
Mimarlık Bölümü | |||
PL NYSA01 | State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa | bwm@pans.nysa.pl | |
CZ OSTRAVA01 | Technical University of Ostrava | mobility.fei@vsb.cz | |
G ATHINE02 | National Technical University of Athens | ntuaerasmus@gmail.com | |
D STUTTGA01 | University of Stuttgart | incoming@ia.uni-stuttgart.de | |
P LISBOA12 | Lusíada University | incomingstu@lis.ulusiada.pt | |
E BARCELO16 | Ramon Llull University | cgallucci@rectorat.url.edu | |
I NAPOLI01 | University of Naples Federico II | international@unina.it | |
P EVORA01 | University of Évora | mobility@uevora.pt | |
D LEMGO01 | Management University of East Westphalia-Lippe | internationaloffice@th-owl.de | |
BG SOFIA04 | University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy | gribneva_int@uacg.bg | |
I MILANO02 | Politecnico Di Milano | exchange-leonardo@polimi.it | |
İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü | |||
P EVORA01 | University of Évora | mobility@uevora.pt | |
D LEMGO01 | Management University of East Westphalia-Lippe | internationaloffice@th-owl.de |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü | |||
HU DEBRECE01 | Debreceni Egyetem | gargya.katalin@unideb.hu | |
Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümü | |||
HU DEBRECE01 | Debreceni Egyetem | gargya.katalin@unideb.hu | |
PL NYSA01 | State Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa | bwm@pans.nysa.pl | |
PL KONIN02 | State University of Applied Sciences in Konin | bozena.miastkowska@konin.edu.pl / | |
Temel Eğitim Bölümü | |||
HU DEBRECE01 | Debreceni Egyetem | gargya.katalin@unideb.hu | |
HU BAJA01 | Eötvös József College | farago.krisztina@ejf.hu | |
RS VRSAC01 | Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vrsac | vsvaskatedrasj@hemo.net | |
G IOANNIN01 | University of Ioannina | dsiamopu@uoi.gr | |
E MADRID26 | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | international.in@urjc.es |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü | |||
P LEIRIA01 | Politécnico de Leiria | gmci@ipleiria.pt | |
I FOGGIA03 | Universita degli Studi di Foggia | giulio.esposito@unifg.it | |
RO TARGU04 | Universitatea Constantin Brancusi Targu Jiu | erasmus.ucb.targujiu@gmail.com / | |
Hemşirelik Bölümü | |||
PL KWIDZYN01 | Powiśle University of Applied Sciences | internationaloffice@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl | |
I FOGGIA03 | Universita degli Studi di Foggia | giulio.esposito@unifg.it | |
RO TARGU04 | Universitatea Constantin Brancusi Targu Jiu | erasmus.ucb.targujiu@gmail.com / |
Erasmus Kodu | Üniversite Adı | E-Posta Adresi | Web Sitesi |
Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Programı | |||
BG SHOUMEN01 | Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin of Preslav" | erasmus@shu.bg / | |
Çocuk Gelişimi Programı | |||
BG SHOUMEN01 | Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin of Preslav" | erasmus@shu.bg / | |
İşletme Yönetimi Programı | |||
BG SHOUMEN01 | Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin of Preslav" | erasmus@shu.bg / |
Erasmus +/ International Exchange and Cooperation Office is responsible for facilitating academic collaborations with partner universities abroad, signing of MoUs, student and staff exchanges with partner universities based on bilateral agreements, organizing partner university visits to IKU, developing joint conferences, activities, and training programs with partner institutions abroad. Within the scope of the MoU, Istanbul Kültür University has 100 Partners from 33 countries in worldwide.

Al-Nour College of Scıence and Technology

Universidad De La Salle