• IKU-CATS (Education and Cooperation Management System) has been used in associate degree, undergraduate and graduate programs of Istanbul Kültür University since 2011.
  • CATS is a learning management system providing many online tools for the students. These tools can be grouped under three categories: Content Management, Collaboration and Assessment. 
  • Students can log in with Username (student number) and UNIPASS password at
  • In case the password is lost, “Forgot Your Password” field has to be clicked to request a new password to be sent via e-mail.
  • Announcements and access related pages of the courses have to be followed through Course Homepage. If the announcement sharing is set to High Level by your instructor, the announcements are automatically sent to the student’s e-mail address by the system. 
  • Students can choose “Meetings” to view the online lessons of the courses. To join a meeting, dark-colored meeting name has to be clicked in the meetings area and then "Join Meeting" button on the page has to be clicked.  
  • When students enter the meeting room, the system will ask them for microphone access. Once approved, students will be able to use your microphone in the meeting. 
  • When microphone is connected, the blue icon at the bottom of the page will be active. It can be turned off by clicking on the microphone icon. Likewise for the webcam, once clicked on the camera icon, the system will ask the student for access again. Once approved, camera will be activated in the room.  Students may click “Resources” to access the shared resource folder related to the course. “Assignments” lets students access and submit the assignments. The shared assignments related to the course must be completed before the due date and be submitted.
  • Students may use “Chat” to access the chat rooms where information about the courses can be shared.
  • “Quizzes & Tests” section is used for online exams. Exams related with courses might be completed and submitted by clicking the “Submit for Grading" button before the deadline. If the exam submission is successful, it will appear in the "Completed Exams" field. 
  • Before starting the exam, internet speed and technical problems of the computer must be checked. If there is a problem during the exam, the problem should be shared with the Cats support team and the lecturers with a screenshot and video recording.  
  • “Gradebook” lets the students view their shared grades (such as documents and images) of the courses. 
  • “Preferences” has to be clicked to customize notification settings. Getting notifications about Cats lessons by e-mail makes it easier for students to track the lessons. 
  • CATS Support: For questions and problems, students can send an e-mail to

Last Update Date: Wed, 01/15/2025 - 01:56