(1) Disciplinary penalties and disciplinary offenses that require disciplinary penalties:

a) Reprimand
: It is a written notification to the student that he/she has been reprimanded for his/her faulty behaviors related to being a student. The actions that require a reprimand are as follows:
1) Incomplete or incorrect information requested by higher education institution authorities in order to mislead, 
2) Disrupting the order of studies such as lessons, seminars, exams, practices, laboratories, workshops, scientific meetings and conferences,
3) Tearing, changing, scribbling or soiling current announcements, programs and similar items posted by the higher education institution or with the permission of the higher education institution,
4) Attempting to cheat in exams,
5) Using cigarettes and other tobacco products and electronic cigarettes outside the areas determined by the university senate on the university campus.

b) Suspension from the higher education institution for one week to one month: It is a written notification to the student that he/she is suspended from the higher education institution for one week to one month and that he/she will not be able to attend classes and exams during this period.
The actions that require a suspension from the higher education institution for one week to one month are as follows:
1) Taking actions that prevent the freedom of learning and teaching or disrupt the functioning and peace of higher education institutions,
2) Preventing the proper conduct of disciplinary investigations,
3) Giving a document that grants him/her rights from the higher education institution to someone else or using a document that belongs to someone else,
4) Taking verbal or written actions that harm the honor and dignity of individuals in the higher education institution,
5) Taking verbal or written actions that harm the honor and dignity of higher education institution personnel, inside or outside the institution,
6) Drinking alcohol in the higher education institution,
7) Threatening higher education institution personnel or students.

c) Suspension from the higher education institution for one semester: The student is informed in writing that he/she is suspended from the higher education institution for one semester and cannot benefit from student rights during this period. The actions that require a one-semester suspension from a higher education institution are as follows:

1) Engaging in occupation and similar actions in higher education institutions that obstruct the services of the higher education institution,
2) Acting as an actual attack on the institution's personnel or students,
3) Committing theft in higher education institutions,
4) Destroying existing buildings, fixed assets and similar materials within the higher education institution or damaging the information system,
5) Cheating or having others cheat in exams,
6) Plagiarizing in seminars, theses and publications or having others write them partially or completely, except for contributions that do not include academic evaluation such as surveys or data collection, other than personal labor and academic knowledge,
7) Not complying with this decision despite having been sentenced to suspension from the higher education institution,
8) Committing one of the actions listed in the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 28/A of the Animal Protection Law No. 5199 dated 24/6/2004 in higher education institutions.

d) Suspension from the higher education institution for two semesters: It is a written notification to the student that he/she is suspended from the higher education institution for two semesters and that he/she will not be able to benefit from student rights during this period. The actions that require a two-semester suspension from a higher education institution are as follows:
1) Using force and violence against higher education institution officials to prevent them from performing their duties, 
2) Using force and violence against students to prevent them from benefiting from higher education services,
3) Using, carrying or possessing drugs or stimulants in higher education institutions, 
4) Cheating in exams by threatening them, preventing students who cheat from being removed from the exam hall, having someone else take the exam instead of them or taking the exam instead of someone else,
5) Committing sexual harassment in higher education institutions,
6) Carrying and possessing firearms, bullets, knives and other tools specially made for use in attack and defense, explosives in higher education institutions in violation of the Law No. 6136 on Firearms, Knives and Other Tools dated 10/7/1953,
7) Gaining an unfair advantage for oneself or someone else by entering the information system of the higher education institution or causing victimization of individuals,
8) Threatening those assigned to investigate,
9) Committing the act listed in the second paragraph of Article 28/A of Law No. 5199 in higher education institutions.

e) Expulsion from higher education institution: It is the written notification to the student that he/she is expelled from the higher education institution without being admitted to the same institution again. The actions that require the penalty of expulsion from the higher education institution are as follows:
1) Establishing an organization for the purpose of committing a crime, managing such an organization or being a member of an organization established for this purpose, provided that it is finalized by a court decision,
2) Selling, giving to others or trading narcotic or stimulant substances,
3) Using firearms, bullets and knives, other tools specially made for use in attack and defense, explosives, in violation of Law No. 6136,
4) Violating the sexual immunity of individuals by engaging in sexual acts on their bodies.

(2) Repetition of a disciplinary offense:

a) A degree of severity is applied in the repetition of an act that has led to a disciplinary penalty after the notification of the penalty and within the statute of limitations for disciplinary penalties.
b) A penalty of expulsion from the higher education institution cannot be given on the grounds of repetition of a disciplinary offense.

Last Update Date: Tue, 02/11/2025 - 13:23