The application period for Staff Training Mobility in Partner Countries has started within the scope of the 2022 KA171 Project term. Academic and administrative staff at Istanbul Kültür University will benefit from the Erasmus+ Exchange Program training mobility with the universities we have contracted with as part of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA171) Project.
Mobility applications of academic and administrative staff who want to benefit from Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Training Mobility within the framework of 2022 KA171 Project TERM should be made on website, where applicants will log in with their E-Devlet information between 03-24 March 2025 with the form and other necessary documents on our website.
Applications are assessed by the Exchange Program Staff and the Student Mobility Selection Committee. You can access the application page by clicking on the LINK.
APPLICATION START: | 03 March 2025 |
The application deadline for academic and administrative staff seeking to participate in Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Training Mobility for the 2024-2025 academic year is 24 March 2025. Applications should be submitted on the form below and accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation.
It is recommended that Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility applications be completed by 30 May 2025 at the latest in the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Should there be remaining grants, a second application call may be announced for the same academic year.
For candidates applying for the Erasmus+ KA171 project Staff Training Mobility, the English Proficiency Exam will be conducted by our University's School of Foreign Languages on 25 March 2025 at 14:00 at Şirinevler Campus.
The following universities can be applied to in line with the Erasmus Agreement for Staff Mobility:
Country | Partner University | Quota |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Qarb Universiteti Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft ve Senaye Unversiteti |
3 |
Tunisia | Sfax University
Université de Sousse |
1 |
Lebanon | University Saint-Joseph | 2 |
Bangladesh | Daffodil International University | 1 |
South Africa | Nelson Mandela University | 2 |
The following documents are available for download:
The application forms, comprising the Work Plan for studying and the Teaching Program for teaching, LINK are available for download.
Documents that must be uploaded for the application:
• Application Form
• Mobility Agreement (Training / Teaching)
• Work Plan
• Language Certificate (if not available, it is compulsory to attend the exam to be held by the School of Foreign Languages of our university) *Applicable for Training Mobility.
• ID/Passport
• CV in English
Application process
• The selection of participants for the staff mobility program is conducted by Exchange Program Staff and the Student Mobility Selection Committee, which is appointed by the Rectorate of Istanbul Kültür University. This selection process considers the annual Call for Proposals issued by the European Commission, as well as the national priorities set by the National Agency each year.
• The following steps must be followed to submit an application:
1. The Erasmus Staff Mobility application form must be completed.
2. It is imperative that the teaching program for teaching mobility and the training program for training mobility are completed.
3. It is requisite that the approval sections of the Teaching and Training Plans be duly completed with the signatures of the relevant parties. It is essential to specify the position of the relevant individual, which may be the Dean, Head of Department, and/or Director, or Head of Unit. Once the placements have been completed, the participant will be responsible for requesting the signature processes from the relevant institutions/universities.
4. In accordance with the aforementioned instructions, the Teaching or Work Plan, Mobility Agreement, and Application Form must be uploaded to after the completion of the application.
5. Candidates who achieve a minimum score of 50 points on the English Proficiency Test, prepared by the School of Foreign Languages, will be eligible for consideration for Erasmus Training Mobility. In the event that a candidate has attained the requisite score by participating in equivalent examinations at external examination centers, the School of Foreign Languages will convert the results into the corresponding language score in accordance with the principles outlined in the Regulation on the Principles Regarding Foreign Language Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions, published in the Official Gazette dated 23/3/2016 and numbered 29662. It is a requirement that applicants upload their two-year-old examination results to the system during the application process.
6. The staff mobility application documents of all applicants are individually examined by International Office to ascertain whether any documents are missing or contain inappropriate content. In addition, the documents are evaluated for compliance with the relevant form and content requirements. The reviewed documents are then filed and submitted to the Rectorate. Following the preliminary evaluation conducted by the Rectorate, the Erasmus Staff Mobility Evaluation Board, constituted by the Rectorate, completes the applications by considering the annual Call for Proposals published by the European Commission and the national priorities determined annually by the National Agency. These are then submitted to the Rectorate for approval. After the approval of the Rectorate, the results are duly announced in the announcements section of our University and UIB.
7. Priority is accorded to staff who have not previously participated in Erasmus Staff Mobility activities, to departments or units that have not hitherto been involved in such activities, and to applications that plan to engage in mobility with countries and higher education institutions that have not previously been involved in Erasmus Staff Mobility activities, or with a limited number of countries and higher education institutions.
• It is the responsibility of the applicant's academic or administrative staff member to contact the partner university and request invitation/acceptance letters regarding the application process after they have become eligible for mobility.
• It is not the policy of this institution to provide grant support for online teaching and training mobility when an academic institution has opted to transition to online education for the 2024-2025 academic year. To be eligible for grant support, academic and administrative staff must have participated in the mobility program in person.
The scoring system is as follows:
If an applicant has never participated in the activity during the previous five call terms, it will be awarded 20 points. A score of 15 points is awarded for participation in one mobility activity, 10 points for participation in two mobility activities, 5 points for participation on three mobility activities, and 0 points for participation in four or more mobility.
By considering institutional priorities:
1. If the staff applying for the Teaching Mobility activity is the Erasmus Faculty/Department/Vocational School Coordinator; +5 points
2. If the staff applying for the Training Mobility activity is Administrative and Technical Staff and the Erasmus Faculty/Department/Vocational School Coordinator; +5 points
3. If the teaching/training plan equals the expected value; 30 points
4. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Application Evaluation Commission gives +10 points to the applicant who has been induced to sign bilateral agreements (at least 3 agreements / per staff) that contributed to the internationalization of the Institution and thus to both students and staff for their mobilities.
5. If the applicant works in a department or unit that has not previously been involved in Erasmus Staff Mobility activities; +15 points
6. If the applicant applies to a higher education institution that has not previously had Erasmus Staff Mobility activities; +15 points
Grant Support for Staff Mobility
Staff who applied and were accepted under Erasmus+ KA171 Partner Countries, will be supported by a grant to be calculated based on their mobility period. The grant will be made for 7 days, with 5 days + 2 days travel.
The activity period of the personnel (7 days) will be fully granted, but the personnel can also carry out their activities completely without a grant, that is, with "zero grant".
No Grant ("0" Grant) Staff Mobility: Not receiving a grant does not mean that the staff will not be included in the selection process. Zero grant staff mobility activities can only be carried out with the partners included in the grant agreement of the higher education institution but for any activity type and direction.
Furthermore, Travel support is provided for accepted staff. The travel support will be calculated based on the distance between the host institutions and the location indicated in the Distance Calculator.
The distribution of grants will be conducted in accordance with the specifications delineated in the following table:
Country | Daily Grant (€) | Travel Grant (€) |
Azerbaijan | 180 € | 275 € (500-1999 km) |
Tunisia | 180 € | 360 € (4000-7999 km) |
Lebanon | 180 € | 275 € (4000-7999 km) |
Bangladesh | 180 € | 820 € (4000-7999 km) |
South Africa | 180 € | 820 € (4000-7999 km) |
The amount of travel expenses to be paid to staff members who are participating in a staff mobility activity should be calculated using the 'Distance Calculator'. The distance calculator can be accessed via the following link:
The minimum and maximum periods for staff teaching and study mobility are as follows:
In Teaching Mobility, at least 8 lesson hours should be given for 5 days of mobility,
In Training Mobility, it is obligatory to be active for 5 days and 8 hours of activity.
In cases where it is not clear in the beneficiary's curriculum and/or certificate of participation that the course/educational load covers at least 8 hours within the scope of the minimum mobility periods mentioned above, the activity is deemed invalid and no grant payment is
made to the beneficiary.
Staff Mobility Grant Payments
All of the travel grants and 70% of the grant entitlement for the incoming and outgoing personnel who have applied for teaching or training who are entitled to benefit from the activity by the Exchange Programs Staff and Learning Mobility Selection Commission are paid within 2 weeks after signing the grant contract.
The remaining 30% of the grant is paid after the activity is completed and the required documents are submitted.
All grant payments are calculated by UİB according to the budget of the KA171 Project approved and donated by the National Agency.
What to do After Mobility
Documents to be Completed After the Staff Mobility;
• Erasmus+KA171 Staff Mobility Agreement signed by all parties
• Travel documents (plane, train, bus, etc. tickets)
• Photocopy of passport page with entry/exit stamps
• Certificate of Attendance (date range must be specified) (signed, stamped)
• Erasmus+ EU Survey (completed online)
• A Staff Report
• Feedback Summarizing the Mobility
• Mobility Assessment Form
Above mentioned documents must be submitted to the IO within 2 weeks at the latest after the mobility.
International Office