IKU International Office

The IKU International Office is the center that manages the bilateral relations of Istanbul Kültür University with international universities and higher education institutions and supports the enhancement of such relations. The aim of our office is to create, execute, develop and promote academic cooperation, exchange programs and the projects of the university in the European Union along with in the national and international arena, and to ensure in-house coordination, determine the vision of the university in these fields, and contribute to the professional and cultural development of students and university staff in cooperation with the relevant institutions/organizations.

The primary job of the office is to ensure in-house and inter institutional coordination in the relevant areas. Within this framework, the vision of the IRO is to promote communication with national and international institutions, increase the number and quality of exchange activities, and raise awareness about international projects and internal internationalization.
In all associate, undergraduate and postgraduate programs of Istanbul Kültür University, the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which ensures that students do not face any problems regarding the equivalence of the courses they will take abroad, is implemented.

Uluslararası İlişkiler Birimi Our mission

We at the IKU International Relations Office have assumed the mission of strengthening the reputation and competitiveness of our university in the international arena by adopting innovation and entrepreneurship as a principle. Our mission is to ensure that our students graduate as qualified individuals with entrepreneurship, inter-cultural competencies and knowledge of at least one foreign language required in today's labor market, to enhance the institutional collaborations of our University, and to attract more international students and staff.
Our aim is to expand the communication network of academic/administrative staff by increasing partnerships with universities, the business world and research centers abroad, to support joint international academic publications and focus particularly on writing projects as coordinator, and to increase the numbers of such activities. In line with these goals, priority is given to diversifying and strengthening the partnership network that our university has established.

Last Update Date: Thu, 12/26/2024 - 10:42